
Monday, February 15, 2010

Instructions for changing template for New bloggers

Here are the easy steps made only for new bloggers or beginners.

1. Download a five column template of you choice and extract the xml file from the archive ( Double click on the downloaded rar file and then drag it to desktop or another folder ) .

2. From Dashboard click on Template tab and then Edit Html sub tab.

3. Back up your existing template and widget data.

4. In the “Upload a template from a file on your hard drive”, browse the extracted
xml file and press Upload.

5. Message in red will appear alerting you that “Widgets are about to be deleted” .
You will be also asked to confirm the deleting of existing widgets. If you have already followed section 3. then press Confirm and Save.

6. You are done . Now go to Page Element sub tab and reset your widgets !

Yes, it’s that easy… !